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The Fruits of SIGMa and More

  • N.B. The publications listed on this page are made available to the academic community for use in teaching and research only. Relevant copyright restrictions apply.

  • Please feel free to email Dr. Yazdani to receive an electronic copy of a publication that is not available to download here.

  • † and ‡ denote undergraduate and graduate student co-authors, respectively.


B1. Yazdani H., Smith B. and Hatami K., “Multiscale 3D dispersion characterization of carbon nanotube-filled polymer composites using microscopic imaging and data mining.” in Carbon Nanotubes, W.I. Milne (ed.), One Central Press, Manchester, UK, 2016


[J36] Fini, E., Pahlavan F., Ortiz Vega N., Bibo A., Kaur H., Ghasemi H., Aldagari S., Hung S., Kannan L., Yazdani H., Zhai R., Link N., Ackerman-Biegasiewicz L. and Klein-Seetharaman J. (2025) “Health impacts of asphalt emissions: examining neurological risks and the need for long-term exposure mitigation,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 486, 136849.
[J35] Khatibinia M., Gharehbaghi S., Yazdani H. and Akbari S. “Optimum design and layout of multiple tuned mass dampers for seismic damage control of steel frame buildings,”  Journal of Building Engineering, 100, 111759.
[J34] Kanti Datta D., Paramban S., Yazdani H., Brown S.P., Fisher S. and Salehi M. (2025) “Influence of biofilm and calcium carbonate scaling on lead transport in plastic potable water pipes: a laboratory and molecular dynamics study,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 485, 136831.
[J33] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2025) “Atomistic simulation and machine learning predictions of mechanical response in nanotube-polymer composites considering filler morphology and aggregation,” Computational Materials Science, 246, 113399.
[J32] Khatibinia M., Akbari S., Yazdani H. and Gharehbaghi S. (2024) “Damage-based optimal control of steel moment-resisting frames equipped with tuned mass dampers,” Journal of Vibration and Control, 30 (3-4), 659-672.
[J31] Kazemi M. ‡, Parikhah Zarmehr S.‡, Yazdani H., and Fini E. (2023) “Review and perspectives of end-of-life tires applications for fuel and products,” Energy & Fuels, 37, 15, 10758–10774.
[J30] Pahlavan F., Ghasemi H.‡, Yazdani H., and Fini E. (2023) “Soil amended with algal biochar reduces mobility of deicing salt contaminants in environment: an atomistic insight,” Chemosphere, 323, 138172.
[J29] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2022) “Plastics and sustainability in the same breath: Machine learning-assisted optimization of coarse-grained models for polyvinyl chloride as a common polymer in the built environment,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 186, 106510.
[J28] Ghasemi H.‡, Hatam-Lee SM, Khodadadi Tirkolaei H. and Yazdani H. (2022) “Biocementation of soils of different surface chemistries via enzyme induced carbonate precipitation (EICP): an integrated laboratory and molecular dynamics study,” Biophysical Chemistry, 284, 106793.
[J27] Ghasemi H.‡, Yazdani H., Rajib A. and Fini E. (2022) “Toward carbon-negative and emission-curbing roads to drive environmental health,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, 5, 1857–1862.
[J26] Eliasi H., Yazdani H., Khatibinia M. and Mahmoudi M. (2022) “Optimum design of a sliding mode control for seismic mitigation of structures equipped with active tuned mass dampers,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 81 (5), 633-645.
[J25] Ghasemi H.‡, Yazdani H., Fini E. and Mansourpanah Y. (2021). “Interactions of SARS-CoV-2 with Inanimate Surfaces in the Built Environment,” Sustainable Cities and Society, 72, 103031.
[J24] Mansourpanah Y., Ghanbari A., Yazdani H., Mohammadi A.G. and Rahimpour A. (2021) “Silver-polyamidoamine/graphene oxide thin film nanofiltration membrane with improved antifouling and antibacterial properties for water purification and desalination,” Desalination, 511, 115109.
[J23] Ghasemi H.‡, Abraham B.†, Rutledge J.† and Yazdani H. (2020). “Mechanical properties of C3N nanotubes,” Diamond and Related Materials, 109, 108090.
[J22] Ghasemi H.‡, Rutledge J.† and Yazdani H. (2020). “Mechanical properties of defective cyanoethynyl (2D polyaniline – C3N): A comparative molecular dynamics study versus graphene and hexagonal boron nitride,” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 121, 114085.
[J21] Yazdani H., Ghasemi H.‡, Wallace C.† and Hatami K. (2019) “Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-filled polyethylene composites: a molecular dynamics simulation study,” Polymer Composites, 40(S2), E1850–E1861.
[J20] Gharehbaghi S., Yazdani H. and Khatibinia M. (2019) “Estimating inelastic seismic response of reinforced concrete frame structures using a wavelet support vector machine and an artificial neural network,” Neural Computing and Applications, 32, 2975–2988.
[J19] Ghasemi H.‡, Yazdani H. and Ayyub B.M. (2018) “Graphene Inhibits Corrosion of Metals: A Molecular Dynamics Study,” Naval Engineers Journal, 130 (3), 62-64.
[J18] Yazdani H. and Hatami K. (2018) “Laboratory tests on the engineering properties of sensor-enabled geobelts (SEGB) by Cui et al., Geotextiles and Geomembranes 46 (2018) 66–76.,” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 46 (5), 678-680.
[J17] Shayesteh Bilondi M.R., Yazdani H. and Khatibinia M. (2018) “Seismic energy dissipation-based optimum design of tuned mass dampers,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58 (6), 2517-2531.
[J16] Khatibinia, M. and Yazdani H. (2018) “Accelerated multi-gravitational search algorithm for size optimization of truss structures,” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 38, 109–119.
[J15] Yazdani H., Khatibinia M., Gharehbaghi S. and Hatami K. (2017) “Probabilistic performance-based optimum seismic design of RC structures considering effects of soil-structure interaction,” Special Issue on “Interdisciplinary Applications of Reliability Analysis, Risk Analysis and Optimization” in ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, No. 3 (2). G4016004.
[J14] Yazdani H., Hatami K. and Eftekhari, M. (2017) “Mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes: a comprehensive molecular dynamics study,” Materials Research Express. 4(5), 055015.
[J13] Yazdani H. and Hatami K., (2016) “Sensor-enabled geogrids for stabilization and performance monitoring of earth structures: the state of development,” International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, No. 2 (37).
[J12] Yazdani H., Smith B. and Hatami K. (2016) “Electrical conductivity and mechanical performance of multi-walled carbon nanotube-filled polyvinyl chloride composites subjected to tensile load,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 133(29).
[J11] Yazdani H., Smith B. and Hatami K. (2016) “Multi-walled carbon nanotube-filled polyvinyl chloride composites: influence of processing methods on dispersion quality, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, No. 82, 65–77.
[J10] Yazdani H., Hatami K. and Grady B.P. (2016) “Sensor-enabled geogrids for performance monitoring of reinforced soil structures,” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, No. 44 (1).
[J9] Yazdani H. and Hatami K. (2015) “Failure criterion for graphene in biaxial loading – a molecular dynamics study,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 23 (6), 14.
[J8] Smith B., Yazdani H. and Hatami K. (2015) “Three-dimensional imaging and quantitative analysis of dispersion and mechanical failure in filled nanocomposites,” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, No. 79.
[J7] Yazdani H., Hatami K., Khosravi E.‡, Harper K.† and Grady B.P. (2014) “Strain-sensitive Conductivity of Carbon Black-filled PVC Composites Subjected to Cyclic Loading,” Carbon, No. 79, 393–405.
[J6] Hatami K., Hassanikhah A., Yazdani H. and Grady B.P. (2014) “Tensoresistive PVC coating for sensor-enabled geogrids,” Invited Paper. ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, No. 4(4).
[J5] Yazdani H., Hatami K. and Khosravi E.‡ (2013) “Ant colony optimization method for design of piled-raft foundations,” DFI (the Deep Foundations Institute) Journal, No. 7 (2), pp. 17–27.
[J4] Khosravi E.‡, Ghasemzadeh H., Sabour M.H. and Yazdani H. (2013) “Geotechnical properties of gas oil-contaminated clays,” Engineering Geology, No. 166, pp. 11–16.
[J3] Yazdani H. and Toufigh M.M. (2012) “Nonlinear consolidation of soft soils subjected to cyclic loading. Part I: theory,” Geomechanics and Engineering, No. 4 (4), pp. 229–241.
[J2] Yazdani H. and Toufigh M.M. (2012) “Nonlinear consolidation of soft soils subjected to cyclic loading. Part II: verification and application,” Geomechanics and Engineering, No. 4(4), pp. 243–249.
[J1] Yaghobi Moghaddam M., Asgari A. and Yazdani H. (2009) “Exact travelling wave solutions for the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger (GNLS) equation with a source by extended tanh–coth, sine–cosine and exp-function methods,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 210 (2), 422–435


[C24] Mosleh M., Chandran P., Harkless J., Maclin A., Robinson C., Salmani H., Smith S., Washington G., and Yazdani H. (2025) “Improving freshman retention in science and engineering through mentored research,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2025.

[C23] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2024) “Machine Learning-Assisted Calibration of Force Fields for Atomistic Simulation of Polymer Nanocomposites,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2024).

[C22] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2023) “Optimization and machine-assisted Δ-learning for multiscale modeling of polymer nanocomposites,” ASCE EMI 2023.

[C21] Ghasemi H.‡, Yazdani H. and Ayyub B. (2018) “Graphene as a corrosion-inhibiting coating for metals: a molecular dynamics study,” MegaRust, San Diego, CA.

[C20] Yazdani H. and Hatami K. (2016) “Sensor-Enabled Geogrids for Stabilization and Instrumentation of Earth Structures,” Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE2016, Delft, Netherlands, October 2016.

[C19] Yazdani H., Khatibinia M. and Hatami K. (2015) “Probabilistic Optimization of Performance-based Seismic Design of Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects,” The Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, Stanford, CA.

[C18] Yazdani H., Hatami K. and Khatibinia M. (2014) “Computational Intelligence in Structural Optimization,” The 10th Annual Conference in Computer Science, Norman, OK.

[C17] Yazdani H. (2013) “Optimization of Piled-raft Foundations Considering Soil-Pile-Raft Interactions,” DFI’s 38th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Phoenix, AZ.

[C16] Yazdani H., Momeni M. and Hatami K. (2013) “Micropiled-raft Foundations for High-rise Buildings on Soft Soils – A Case Study: Kerman, Iran,” The 7th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, US, Paper No. 2.40.

[C15] Yazdani H., Hatami K., Hawa T. and Grady B.P. (2013) “Atomic-Scale Simulation of Sensor-Enabled Geosynthetics for Health Monitoring of Reinforced Soil Slopes and Embankments,” ASCE Geo-Congress, San Diego, pp. 1529 – 1535.

[C14] Shivafar I., Yazdani H. and E’temadi Shad L. (2013) “A Nomograph to Predict the Deflection of Two-way Reinforced Concrete Slabs,” The 9th International Concrete Conference & Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, Paper No. 35.

[C13] Yazdani H., Hatami K., Hawa T. and Grady B.P. (2012) “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sensor-Enabled Geosynthetics,” The 15th Nanotechnology Conference, Santa Clara, US, Paper No. 918.

[C12] Momeni M., Yazdani H., Fakharian K., Shafiee A., Salajegheh J. and Salajegheh E. (2012). “Case Study of a Micropiled-raft Foundation Design in Soft Calcareous Sandy Soil, Kerman–Iran,” The 4th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, pp. 1063 – 1068.

[C11] Askari Y., Yazdani H., Yusefi M. and Salajegheh E. (2011) “Optimal Design of Micropiled-raft Foundations by the Ant Colony Optimization Method,” The 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Semnan, Iran, 205–213.

[C10] Shivafar I., Salajegheh E. and Yazdani H. (2011) “Optimal Design of Concrete Diaphragm Wharfs Using the Artificial Neural Networks and the Genetic Algorithm,” The 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Semnan, Iran, pp. 235–244.

[C9] Yusefi M., Yazdani H., Askari Y. and Salajegheh E. (2011) “Application of Numerical Methods in Determination of the Subgrade Modulus of Slabs on Elastic Foundations,” The 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Semnan, Iran, pp. 286–295.

[C8] Yazdani H., Toufigh M.M. and Mas’oodzade A. (2010) “Nonlinear Analysis of Land Subsidence Due to Groundwater Level Oscillation by a Finite Difference Method,” The 8th International Symposium on Land Subsidence, EISOLS, Queretaro, Mexico, pp. 90–95.

[C7] Mas’oodzade A., Toufigh M.M. and Yazdani H. (2010) “1-D Infiltration, Analysis of Unsaturated Flow and Increase in Land Subsidence,” The 8th International Symposium on Land Subsidence, EISOLS, Queretaro, Mexico, pp. 472–475.

[C6] Mas’oodzade A., Toufigh M.M. and Yazdani H. (2010) “1-D Infiltration Influence on the Effective Stress,” The 17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 325–329.

[C5] Yazdani H., Toufigh M.M. and Khosravi E. (2010) “Analytical Study on the Parameters Affecting the Coefficient of Consolidation of Soft Soils Subjected to Cyclic Loading,” The 4th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics, ICGESM, Tehran, Iran, Paper No. 399.

[C4] Toufigh M.M. and Yazdani H. (2007) “Consolidation Theory for Cyclic Loading,” The 1st International Congress on Civil Engineering and Quality Improvement, Gorgan, Iran, pp. 152–163.

[C3] Toufigh M.M. and Yazdani H. (2007) “One-dimensional Consolidation of Soft Clays with Variable Compressibility and Permeability,” The 9th Conference on Watershed Management and Evaporation Reduction, Kerman, Iran, pp. 56–63.

[C2] Toufigh M.M., Vaezi M. and Yazdani H. (2007) “Field Study on the Land Subsidence in Kerman, Iran,” The 3rd Civil Engineering National Congress, Tabriz, Iran, pp. 134–142.

[C1] Fadaee M.J., Shivafar I. and Yazdani H. (2007). “Presenting a Diagram to Determine Two-way RC Slabs Deflection,” The 3rd Civil Engineering National Congress, Tabriz, Iran, pp. 261–269.


[PR21] Yazdani H. (2024) “CAREER: Multiscale Mechanics of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites,” 2024 NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference, Alexandria, VA.

[PR20] Linger I.†, Lueck C.†, Hamed K.†, Mohammadtabar K. and Yazdani H. (2024) “Staying Tubular, Transcending Carbon: Atomistic Simulations of Novel Nanotube Structures,” Mizzou Fall 2024 Research Forum.

[PR19] Criddle R.†, Paramban S,‡ and Yazdani H. (2024) “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Pristine, Boron-doped, and Nitrogen-doped Graphene,” Mizzou Summer 2024 Research Forum.

[PR18] Yazdani H. (2023, invited talk) “Carbonaceous nanocomposites for sustainable and resilient built environment,” The 2nd International Symposium on the Full Industry Chain of Bio-asphalt, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China.

[PR17] Yazdani H. (2019, invited talk) “Multiscale characterization of carbon nanotube-filled composites for image-based modeling and prediction of their properties using machine learning,” Computational mathematics for model reduction and predictive modelling in molecular and complex systems workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

 [PR16] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2019) “Predicting failure of graphene in biaxial loading using machine learning,” Computational mathematics for model reduction and predictive modelling in molecular and complex systems workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

[PR15] Ghasemi H.‡, Tilford C.† and Yazdani H. (2019) “Atomistic simulation of thermal conductivity of graphene: challenges and recommendations,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR14] Skinner S.†, Tilford C.† and Yazdani H. (2019) “Atomistic insight into temperature- and strain rate-dependent mechanical properties of graphene,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR13] Gwerengwe E.†, Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2019) “Anisotropic dependency of tensile properties of hexagonal boron nitride to strain rate and temperature: an atomistic simulations study,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR12] Ghasemi H.‡ and Yazdani H. (2018) “Atomistic insight into corrosion of metals coated with graphene,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR11] Skinner S.†, Gwerengwe E.† and Yazdani H. (2018) “Developing an integrated materials design paradigm using artificial intelligence,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR10] Wallace C.† and Yazdani H. (2018) “Atomistic insight into mechanical properties of nanocarbon-filled polymer composites,” Howard University Research Symposium, Howard University, Washington, DC.

[PR9] Yazdani H. (2014) “High-performance Computing in Materials Science and Engineering,” The 10th Annual Conference in Computer Science, Norman, OK.

[PR8] Yazdani H. (2014) “Sensor-enabled Geosynthetics; where Cutting-edge Science Meets Transportation Infrastructure,” Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Research Day, OKC, OK.

[PR7] Yazdani H. (2014) “Recent Advances in Sensor-enabled Geosynthetics,” Research Day, National Weather Center, Norman, OK.

[PR6] Yazdani H., Harper K., Hatami K. and Grady B.P. (2013) “Sensor-enabled geogrids for stabilization and instrumentation of transportation infrastructure,” Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Research Day, OKC, OK.

[PR5] Yazdani H., Hatami K. and Grady B.P. (2012) “Developing Sensor-enabled Geosynthetics using Conducting Carbon Networks: A Proof-of-Concept Study,” The NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

[PR4] Yazdani H. (2012) “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sensor-enabled Geosynthetics,” USUCGER 1st Early Career Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

[PR3] Yazdani H. (2012) “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sensor-enabled Geosynthetics,” Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Research Day, OKC, OK.

[PR2] Yazdani H. (2011) “The Application of Molecular-scale Simulation in Civil Engineering,” Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Research Day, OKC, OK.

[PR1] Yazdani H. (2011) “Molecular-scale Simulations in Civil Engineering,” Research Day of the OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER), National Weather Center, Norman, OK.


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